
We're thrilled to introduce you to some of Special Olympics BC's inspiring athletes, coaches, volunteers, and sponsors!

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Special Olympics BC – Delta ’s Kerrin Smith says volunteering with SOBC is a great fit for her because it gives her opportunities to be involved in...
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Special Olympics BC – Cowichan Valley coach Zach Ollett ’s most memorable Special Olympics moment came when his Local’s floor hockey team finished in...
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Special Olympics BC – Invermere ’s Carolyn Kurtz is an enthusiastic volunteer who loves how SOBC provides athletes with opportunities that are great...
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Special Olympics BC – Vernon ’s Justin Sigal is a talented cross country skier who is looking forward to representing his country at the 2017 Special...
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Whether it’s training for a track meet or tearing up the dance floor in a superhero costume, Chris Vanderwel says being involved with Special Olympics...
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Special Olympics BC – Terrace Local Coordinator Jo Buck is a hardworking volunteer who has been making a difference for local athletes and programs...