SOBC Champions Network

Special Olympics BC Champions Network members generously lend their time and talents to support Special Olympics athletes and our shared mission.

Special Olympics is an inspiring movement of athletes, families, coaches, volunteers, sponsors, and celebrities coming together with the common goal of improving the lives of people with intellectual disabilities and inspiring everyone to open their hearts to a wider world of human talents and potential.

When high-profile supporters stand up as champions of our athletes and movement, it makes a difference. Special Olympics BC is fortunate to have our Champions Network members who give their time to advocate our athletes and cause.

These leaders are inspirational role models who share a belief in the power of sport to break down barriers and foster a world of inclusion for people with intellectual disabilities. They spread the word about Special Olympics BC’s life-changing sports, health, youth, and education programs. They attend Special Olympics events to raise awareness and share joy. They lend their voices to calls for awareness of Special Olympics and respect and support for athletes. They make a difference by setting an example for a more inclusive, respectful world.

We are so grateful for the advocacy and inspiring example of our Champions Network!



Bernie Pascall, Hall of Fame Broadcaster 

Darcy Rota, Vancouver Canucks legend

Emily Zurrer, Two-time Canadian Soccer Olympian


Champion Teams

BC Lions

Vancouver Canucks

Vancouver Whitecaps FC


Fellow Special Olympics Champions

We sincerely thank all the valued champions in communities around the province who give their time to advocate for local Special Olympics BC programs! 

Heartfelt thanks also to the valued members of Special Olympics Canada’s Champions Network and to Special Olympics International’s Global and Champion Ambassadors!


Help our champions create inclusion

Change attitudes with awareness campaigns

Participate or volunteer with Special Olympics BC

Make a generous donation to SOBC