Hardworking Special Olympics BC – Port Alberni athlete Sebastien Thomas says being active is important to him because it keeps him fit and healthy.
Thomas takes part in almost every sport his Local offers. In the winter he participates in 5-pin bowling, basketball, curling, floor hockey, and swimming, and in the summer he does athletics, bocce, and softball.
“It makes me feel good,” Thomas says. “I do my best at every sport I do. Sometimes I win and sometimes I lose. You can’t win everything.”
Thomas says he has learned a lot with Special Olympics, including that having fun is more important than winning. He also says Special Olympics has helped him develop social skills and a more positive attitude.
Thomas is proud of how he has progressed as an athlete over his time with Special Olympics and is grateful to the nice coaches and volunteers at his Local who provide him with support and instruction.
“They help me and my friends get better at each sport,” he said. Thomas likes to travel for competitions because it gives him opportunities to meet new people. He loves to watch his friends compete and cheer them on because he knows they try hard. Thomas also appreciates it when his teammates provide him with encouragement.
“It makes you believe you can do it,” Thomas says. Thomas put in an excellent effort at April’s Swimming Regional Qualifier for Region 6 in Comox, where he qualified for the 2017 SOBC Summer Games in Kamloops.
“I am honoured to be able to go to Provincial Games,” he said. While Thomas says it would be great if he could continue on to National Games, he says his biggest goals with Special Olympics are to continue to try hard and have fun.
Outside of Special Olympics, Thomas has a job with the Salvation Army where he organizes clothes. He also works two paper routes, which he says give him lots of opportunities to walk and be active.
“Apparently I’m a very busy person,” Thomas said.
Thomas likes to eat healthily and exercise. He says he recently lost a lot of weight and he considers it one of his greatest achievements. Thomas says he now fits into smaller clothes, feels better, and is better at sports.