Event Starts:
at 5:00PM
Event Ends:
at 6:00PM
Virtual on Zoom

Onboarding Volunteers: How to Convert Joiners to Stayers to Leaders

Special Olympics BC Volunteer Professional Development Series 

Location: Virtual on Zoom
Date: November 6, 2024, 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. PT

In this 60-minute online seminar, you will learn how to analyze your current volunteer onboarding and orientation practices and pinpoint areas that need attention. We’ll cover how you can take proactive steps to help newcomers settle in comfortably and contribute to the team effort more quickly.

Let’s make sure your new volunteers stick by employing a purposeful and strategic onboarding system that results in high satisfaction and intent to stay!

Learn more about the event on our SOBC Volunteer Professional Development Series.

All current committee members are welcome to join! 

We highly recommend having at least one representative from each Local committee participate in this workshop and bring some ideas to your next committee meeting.

Registration is required and will close at 4 p.m. PT on November 4, 2024.


Learn more about the event

For questions about the event, please contact:

Donna, Engagement Coordinator
Email dma@specialolympics.bc.ca
Phone 604-908-6491