Team BC 2020 Curling Coat of Arms
Motto: One end at a time and hold the hard line!

The Special Olympics Team BC 2020 Training Squad has three tremendous curling teams:

  • Team BC Kingfishers from SOBC – Kitimat and Prince George
  • Team BC Vipers from SOBC – Victoria
  • Team BC Leprechauns from SOBC – Burnaby and Richmond

They have amazing support from coaches from SOBC – Burnaby, Dawson Creek, Kelowna, Kitimat, and Victoria. The Kingfishers will be making their first National Games appearance, and are ready to play hard and show their dedication on the national stage. The Vipers and Leprechauns include many National Games veterans, including SOBC – Burnaby’s Darcy Stebanuk who has competed in many National Games in curling, floor hockey, and soccer. All are working hard to be ready to be at their best in Thunder Bay!

In addition to their Special Olympics practices, the teams have curled this season in generic leagues and alongside mainstream athletes for further training opportunities. They have earned the admiration of their sport peers throughout their communities. 

The Team BC 2020 curlers describe themselves as joyful, friendly, awesome, handsome, happy, relaxed, inquisitive, dedicated, and good sports!

Team goals

Goal #1: To work together as athletes and coaches, while staying positive, to display good sportsmanship and to work hard at learning strategy.

Goal #2: To make better nutritional choices, train really hard, and to focus daily on success.

Team member profiles

Drew Denny Team BC Vipers Victoria VICTORIA BC
Kevin Nunn Team BC Vipers Victoria VICTORIA BC
Danny Pace Team BC Vipers Victoria VICTORIA BC
Patrick Reid Team BC Vipers Victoria VICTORIA BC
Drew Sabourin Team BC Vipers Victoria SAANICH BC
Logan Eastman Team BC Kingfishers Kitimat KITIMAT BC
Theo Jack Team BC Kingfishers Kitimat KITIMAT BC
Nathan Readman Team BC Kingfishers Kitimat KITIMAT BC
Zack Robinson Team BC Kingfishers Kitimat KITIMAT BC
Sam Russell Team BC Kingfishers Prince George PRINCE GEORGE BC
Kristofer (Kris) Cohen Team BC Leprechauns Richmond RICHMOND BC
Alexandrea Edwards Team BC Leprechauns Burnaby BURNABY BC
Jennifer Fleet Team BC Leprechauns Burnaby BURNABY BC
Warren Harris Team BC Leprechauns Burnaby BURNABY BC
Darcy Stebanuk Team BC Leprechauns Burnaby BURNABY BC
James Amarelo Team BC Vipers Victoria VICTORIA BC
David Bodie Team BC Vipers Victoria VICTORIA BC
Mark Heartt Team BC Kingfishers Dawson Creek DAWSON CREEK BC
Glen Robinson Team BC Kingfishers Kitimat KITIMAT BC
Mike Rose Team BC Leprechauns Burnaby  
Ty Wilkinson Team BC Leprechauns Kelowna KELOWNA
Tracy Hunter-Heartt Mission Staff Region 8 Coordinator   DAWSON CREEK BC