
SOBC photo
By Jacques Thibault, Special Olympics BC Sport Consultant Jacques Thibault, an internationally recognized training and speed skating expert with a...
Staples Canada logo
A supporter of Special Olympics Canada since 1996, Staples Canada runs their nationwide Give a Toonie Share a Dream campaign each spring to raise...
SOBC photo
The summer sun has left us but the UV rays that damage our skin are still there. To protect your skin from the bitter cold, heavy winds and winter sun...
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As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of Special Olympics this year, we are taking a look back at the #50moments that have defined the Special Olympics...
Special Olympics BC Vancouver Island 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament
The sound of the basketball dribbling down the court, the squeak of shoes on the hardwoods, and the roar of the crowd as the ball circles the rim and...
 Mark Tewksbury
More than 100 leaders from across the province came together for a weekend of inspiring speakers and networking opportunities at the 2018 Special...