2 Athletes, Awards Winners

Charlottetown, PEI, September 19, 2016 – Over 200 Special Olympics athletes, families, friends and supporters gathered this past weekend to celebrate another successful year at Special Olympics PEI’s Annual Awards Ceremony.

2015-20116 Award Winners:

Department of Health and Wellness Sport Volunteer Award:  Lynda Hontscharowicz (Charlottetown)

Dr. Frank Hayden Award: Justin MacEwen (Charlottetown)

ADL Spirit Award: Randy Wallace (Alberton)

President’s Award: Sue Skeffington (Oyster Bed)

Facility of the Year: City of Charlottetown Parks and Recreation Department

David Andrew Memorial Award: Laurie McNally (Mount Stewart)

Maritime Electric Male Coach of the Year Award: Allan Stewart (Charlottetown)

Maritime Electric Female Coach of the Year Award:  Lori Byers (Montague)

PEI Mutual Insurance Co. Male Athlete of the Year Award:  Art Smith (Charlottetown)

PEI Mutual Insurance Co. Female Athlete of the Year Award: Janet Charchuk (Alberton)

Volunteer Pins were presented to those who have contributed 5, 15, and 30 years of service. 5-Year Pins were presented to: Wendy Fleming, Colleen MacIntosh, Mirella Micalef, and Ann Robichaud. 15-Year Pin was presented to: Debbie Metcalfe. 30-Year Gift was presented to: Peter Howatt.