It is because of our dedicated volunteers that the programs offered by Special Olympics PEI are possible. By volunteering with Special Olympics PEI you are helping to provide sporting opportunities for athletes with an intellectual disability across PEI.
Be a Volunteer
Volunteers are the backbone of our organization. Without them, we could not deliver on our promise to enrich the lives of children, youth, and adults involved in our programs. Consider volunteering with an organization that changes attitudes and builds stronger communities across Prince Edward Island. You will make meaningful and lasting changes in many lives, including your own.
Special Olympics programs are rich with opportunities for rewarding volunteer experiences, from coaching to serving as an official, assisting with events, leading programs for young children or mentoring Athlete Leadership participants.
Learn more about becoming a volunteer:
Be a Coach
We believe that quality volunteers and coaches are the most important part of our programs. Our coaches give athletes the skills and encouragement they need to succeed, and to live healthier, more confident lives.
Being a coach with Special Olympics is also incredibly rewarding! With a passion for sport and the right level of sport knowledge, coaches have the opportunity to become leaders at all levels within the movement.
Learn more about becoming a coach:
Join our Movement!
If you are interested in volunteering with Special Olympics PEI, please visit our Apply to Volunteer or Coach page. Please note new Process for Coaches and Volunteers due to COVDI-19 restrictions. To learn more, please visit our FAQ for Volunteers and Coaches page or visit our Resources for Volunteers and Coaches page.