Special Olympics PEI is proud to have presented three Canadian commemorative medals which have been created to mark His Majesty King Charles III’s Coronation on May 6, 2023. The King Charles III Coronation Medal is a visible and tangible way to recognize 30,000 outstanding individuals of all ages and from all walks of life who have made a difference in their communities. The Medal highlights themes that both King Charles III and Canadians hold dear, including service, the environment and sustainability, and our nation’s diversity.  

The Office of the Secretary to the Governor General reviewed thousands of nominations and has approved Special Olympics PEI to administer three of the King Charles III Coronation Medals to our selected members: Heidi Mallett, Peter Howatt, and CY Holland.

Special Olympics PEI, Heidi Mallett, King Charles III Medals

Heidi Mallett

Heidi joined Special Olympics in 2006 and has been an integral part of the SOPEI family since. She heard about Special Olympics from her friend Janet Charchuk. Heidi made a decision to become more active in her community around that time. Shecurrently participates in Golf, Bocce, and 5-Pin Bowling along with this multi-sport program. Heidi has competed on the local, regional, and national stage for Golf and 5-Pin.  

In recent years, Heidi has been an active athlete leader within Special Olympics and throughout her community. Heidi is a strong advocate of the People First movement. She was the President of People First PEI. The group works on advocacy topics that include housing, plain language, and the United Nations Convention of the Rightsof People with Disabilities, helping to speak up for those cannot speak up for themselves.  

Heidi also has volunteered at the Welcome Program, was co-chair of the board for Community Inclusions, visits seniors, and loves helping out with doing some chores. 

As if she was not doing enough in her schedule, she served on the Canadian Athlete Leadership Council for Special Olympics Canada and was named Chair of the Global Athlete Leadership Council (GALC) in 2021. She was the first Canadianathleteselected to the GALC. Heidi has been mentored by Genna Phelan and Velma Bince over the years.  Among her many accomplishments, Heidi and Genna had the opportunity to help plan and attend the 2023 Athlete Global Congress, which happened alongside the 2023 World Summer Games in Berlin, Germany.  

She continues her work as a representative on the Special Olympics International Healthy Athletes advisory board, CAMH knowledge advisory working group, Special Olympics Knowledge Mobilization Project, and presentation to post-secondary partnerships through Holland College and UPEI. 

Peter Howatt

Peter joined Special Olympics in 1986 and has been an integral part of the SOPEI family with coaching roles in CharlottetownFloor Hockey,and previouslySoccer,along with being anOperational Volunteer at the local and national level. Peter not only dedicated his time to the community that surrounds him, but assisted in the growth of Special Olympics throughout the entire Island in a variety of leadership roles.Dedicating his time and expertise to supporting athletes and enhancing the organizations mission, Peter played a key role in shaping policies and strategies that have contributed to the program’s growth and success.  

Peter Howatt, CY Holland, Special Olympics PEI, King Charles III Medals

Athletes under his leadership share the same passion and love for sport as him and look to Peter as a role model in their lives.He is a very proud father and husband, someone who you can always be encouraged by being around and someone who is loyal to friendships he has created. 

His commitment to inclusion and community engagement is evident in the countless hours he has spent volunteering at events, supporting athletes, and promoting the values of Special Olympics. 

CY Holland

CY has been around long since before Special Olympics PEI was officially established. Joining the movement in 1983, he is Special Olympic PEI's longest-serving volunteer. 

Through his job as an educational assistant he has encouraged many of his students to try Special Olympics, leading to the phenomenal growth of the Charlottetown Floor Hockey program. CY has traveled to numerous Special Olympics Canada Games, in both coaching and mission staff roles. 

As one of the Coaches of the Charlottetown Floor Hockey program, he is extremely well respected by the athletes in the program. His unwavering commitment to fostering growth, teamwork, and confidence in his players is a testament to his passion for both sport and community. CY’s coaching has not only improved athletic skills but also empowered athletes to reach their full potential on and off the floor. His leadership and mentorship have been pivotal in our success.