This year's Enriching Lives Gala will see some changes and modifications due to COVID-19 restrictions. We have attempted to provide as many answers to frequently asked questions as possible below. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to Charity Sheehan, Special Olympics PEI's Executive Director, either via email at or by calling 902-368-8919. 

Special Olympics PEI, Sarah MacDonald

What do funds raised from the Enriching Lives Gala support?

The Enriching Lives Gala is Special Olympics PEI's signature fundraising event! Funds raised provide quality recreational and competitive sports programs for Islanders with an intellectual disability. This year more than ever, your support will enrich the lives of Islanders with an intellectual disability through sport. 

When and Where is the Enriching Lives Gala?

The Enriching Lives Gala is Tuesday, June 22 at the Delta Prince Edward by Marriott hotel. Doors open at 5:45pm; the Gala begins at 6:30pm. 

What COVID-19 Protocols are in Place to Keep Guests Safe?

We are thrilled to be able to gather in person for the 30th Anniversary of the Enriching Lives Gala, and the safety of everyone involved is of top concern. We are working closely with the Delta Prince Edward by Marriott and the Chief Public Health Office of PEI to have an comprehensive COVID-19 Operational Plan in place. Key points from our COVID-19 Operational Plan Include:

Special Olympics PEI, Jessie Shanahan
  • Guests will be divided into 6 Cohorts of 50 Individuals. Each cohort will have a unique entrance to both the venue and the ballroom. Cohorts will not mix during the event.  Each cohort will have its own bar service.
  • Entrance to the venue is from Queen Street.  There will be no access to the ballrooms from the hotel lobby. Additionally, if guests park underground at the hotel they will be required to exit the hotel and re-enter through entrances off Queen Street. There will be volunteers and signage on hand to help direct guests. 
  • Guests will be required to wear a mask until they are seated at their table. Upon entering the ballroom guests will be directed to their table to be seated. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 restrictions, mingling is not permitted at this year's event.  Special Olympics PEI's staff and volunteers will remain masked for the duration of the event.
  • Tables will have 6 guests each, made up of close contacts. Tables will be 10 feet apart. 
  • Hand sanitizing stations will be set up at each cohort entrance.
Special Olympics PEI, Stephen Baird

Will there be a Silent Auction?

Yes! Once again our Silent Auction will be hosted online. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, Silent Auction items will not be on display at the Enriching Lives Gala this year. We encourage you to view the online auction site early to preview items, and to get your opening bids in. The Silent Auction opens for item viewing and bidding on June 8th on our custom website,

Will there be a Live Auction?

The Enriching Lives Gala will have an exciting Live Auction. Some of our Live Auction prizes will be available for previewing on the Online Auction site. If you wish by proxy you may do so by emailing before 12noon AST on Monday, June 21, 2021 with your name, phone number, email, and bid.  

Will there be a Raffle Draw?

Enriching Lives Gala guests will  have the opportunity to purchase Raffle tickets for $20 on an exciting prize generously donated by the Delta Prince Edward Marriott. More information about the Raffle prize will be shared closer to the Gala. Please note that our preferred method of payment for Raffle tickets is debit or credit card.  

Special Olympics PEI, Colton Matheson

How and When can I Pay for my Gala Table of 6?

We are happy to accept payment for your Gala Table of 6 anytime before the Enriching Lives Gala. You can pay by cheque, debit or credit card, either in person at our office, by mail, or over the phone. Please note that payments for Gala Tables of 6 cannot be accepted in person at the Gala. Our mailing address is: 

  • Special Olympics PEI
  • 40 Enman Crescent, Room 240
  • Charlottetown, PE
  • C1E 1E6

Will I Receive a Physical Ticket for the Enriching Lives Gala?

Gala Tickets will be electronic this year. Prior to the Enriching Lives Gala event details will be sent to your Table Captain, to be shared with all Gala Teammates (table guests). This will include your cohort number and table number. When you arrive at the Delta Prince Edward by Marriott you will be directed to your cohort entrance. Volunteers can check you in by your table name electronically.

Special Olympics PEI, Jordan Koughan

Will there be a VIP Reception this Year?

When guests arrive at the Enriching Lives Gala they will be asked to move directly to their table, where they will stay seated for the entirety of the Gala unless going to the bar or washrooms. For this reason we are unable to offer a VIP Reception.

Is there a Virtual Component to this Year's Gala?

Yes! In order to include supporters of the Enriching Lives Gala who are not able to join us in person, this year’s Enriching Lives Gala will be Hybrid. For a portion of the Gala virtual guests will be joining us.

Will there be Celebrity Guests at this Year's Enriching Lives Gala?

Pandemic related travel restrictions will mean that having celebrity guests from out of Province attending the Enriching Lives Gala in person will not be possible. Dion Phaneuf and Elisha Cuthbert very much hope to attend this year’s Gala. If they are back at their PEI residences, and have completed their quarantine in time, they will be joining us again as celebrity guests. Our Male and Female Athletes of the Year, Jordan Koughan and CJ Snyders - Couchman, will be celebrated at the Gala.

Special Olympics PEI, CJ Snyders - Couchman

Going Virtual Policy

As this is our signature fundraising event, from which we raise over a third of our operating budget annually, we have a plan in place to move the Enriching Lives Gala virtual should the need arise. This move to virtual would be driven by external factors, such as a change in provincial health measures, either into a circuit breaker scenario, or as such that gathering in person in no longer safe. Should the move to a virtual Gala be necessary we will reach out directly via email to each Table Captain, sharing a link to the Virtual Enriching Lives Gala.  Refunds are available upon request but we sincerely hope that you will join us virtually to catch the spirit of Special Olympics. We thank you in advance for your understanding.