Special Olympics PEI is thrilled to once again have partnered with the Evangeline ATV Club to sell Raffle Tickets on a Shed!
Raffle tickets are $20 each, or 3 for $50. Tickets are available from many Special Olympics athletes and volunteers, at the Special Olympics PEI office, and at various locations across the Island, including:
- Cook's Corner
- Holy Cow Burgers & Wings, Morell
- Sobeys Allen Street
- Sobeys Montague
- Sobeys Stratford
- Sobeys West Royalty
- Wellington Esso
- And More!
Tickets are also available for purchase via e-transfer to eatvcfundraisers@gmail.com. Please be sure to include your name and phone number.
Thank you Island Portable Buildings for donating the Shed for raffle. And thank you to sponsors Kennedy Metals, MacLellan Electric, and Arsenault's Family Lumber.