John Anthony Laybolt, Team PEI 2020

John Anthony Laybolt, Johnston's River, says he loves Curling, but he loves Floor Hockey better! A long time competitive curler, having attended past National Games as a member of Team PEI Curling, John Anthony, who still curls recreational, decided to make the switch in his competitive sport selection a few years back to Floor Hockey. He enjoys Floor Hockey because it is very active, and gives him more exercise. 

At the age of 60, John Anthony is the oldest athlete on Team PEI 2020. When asked if he knew this fact he said he sure did - and he thinks it's great!

John Anthony is excited about representing PEI at the Special Olympics Canada Winter Games 2020. He is looking forward to making friends and playing his best. To prepare for the Games, along with his teammates, John Anthony is attending the weekly Charlottetown Floor Hockey program, attending Team PEI Floor Hockey practices, and training at the Synergy Performance Program. 

When John Anthony is not playing Floor Hockey, or Curling, he works on his family's farm. 



If you would like to support John Anthony and his Team PEI 2020 teammates please consider joining the Team PEI 2020 Booster Club

When Giving Gives Back!

During Special Olympics PEI's End of Year giving appeal, until December 20, 2019, when you donate $100 or more to the Team PEI Booster Club you will receive a free copy of our PEI Mutual's A Special Island Christmas CD. Support Team PEI 2020, and receive your free gift - Donate Today.