Logan Robbins, Charlottetown, is the youngest member of Team PEI at just 14 years old. Logan is a member of Team PEI Soccer. Logan earned his spot on Team PEI from a strong showing at the soccer skills competition, and a successful Provincial Games experience.
Logan is graduate on Special Olympic PEI's youth programs, and will be the first PEI athlete to attend National Games having followed this progression. Special Olympics PEI's FUNdamentals program, which Logan started attending at age 11, is a skills specific training program for children with an intellectual disability. Children are taught basic sport motor skills in a fun atmosphere. These skills provide support for everyday activities as well as a base for Special Olympics sports training and competition as athletes grow older. Athletes learn basic rules of sport like softball, basketball, and soccer. FUNdamentals also teaches children cooperation and social skills, along with nutritional information.
Thanks in part to a solid pre-existing sport background (Logan plays hockey) Logan was quickly ready to progress to adult programs. When Logan and his family started exploring adult sport program options within Special Olympics it quickly became apparent that while Logan was past the FUNdamentals stage, he was perhaps not quite ready for adult programs in every sport. Logan was often by far the youngest athlete, and a size difference was often apparent.
Athletes like Logan drew attention to this gap in programming, and led to the introduction of Youth Multi Sport. This new youth program was designed to offer an introduction to a variety of Special Olympics sports, in a recreational, non-competitive environment. Logan was one of the first athletes to sign up for the new program. The Youth Multi Sport program, in additional to introducing youth athletes to core sports offered by Special Olympics (our adult programs) also offers a peer group for athletes like Logan. Today Logan participates in both the Youth Multi Sport program and the adult competitive soccer program (from which he qualified for Team PEI).
Please join us in cheering on Logan and the rest of Team PEI Soccer as they go for gold at the 2018 National Summer Games!