At Special Olympics BC competitions, Athlete Reporter Miranda Orth writes, “people see that Special Olympics is a fun environment, as well as essential for athletes because they consider this as part of their lives and connecting with people again.”
Athletes showed their skills and their passion for competing in SOBC Super Summer Series events all over the province throughout spring and summer 2022!
Check out SOBC Super Summer photos
Huge thanks to SOBC Athlete Reporters Miranda Orth of Nanaimo, Jake Miller of Trail, and Roy Stephens of Kelowna for the below reports!
SOBC Super Summer Series Track Meet Nanaimo coverage by Miranda Orth
Special Olympics BC – Nanaimo hosted a Super Summer Series track meet on June 26 at Nanaimo District Secondary School. This was the Island’s first in-person track meet since the pandemic happened, and everyone was excited to be back!
Athletes along with coaches and volunteers from Campbell River, Comox, Oceanside, Nanaimo, Port Alberni, and the Yukon participated and worked hard to make the day a success! I helped out as a volunteer and had fun with it!
The athletes had a lot of fun competing in this event and they are excited to be back doing in-person Special Olympics activities.
Tristan Dunn from Nanaimo said, “I felt excited to be back in competition and I enjoy it! I was frustrated about in-person events being closed during the pandemic. It feels good to compete again.” Dunn came in first place for 100 metres in his division!
SOBC – Comox Valley athlete Jake Hooper said, “It’s amazing being back in action. It sucked when Special Olympics was closed, but [I’m] feeling happy about being back with great pleasure.” Hooper got first place for the 100 metres in his division as well!
An assistant coach from Port Alberni said that athletes felt a loss of missing connections with people, because nobody was able to see each other when everything was paused. The Port Alberni athletes felt happy to be out having fun again doing Special Olympics competition events for real instead of only thinking about competing to get medals.
The track meet helped people see that Special Olympics is a fun environment as well as an essential for athletes because they consider this as part of their lives and connecting with people again and seeing them in person instead of just virtually.
Overall, even though it was hot out during the event, we still had a successful and fun day!
Miranda Orth is a dedicated track and field athlete who would normally compete with pride in a meet like this, but she is currently injured so she took the time to volunteer with the event!
SOBC Super Summer Series Bocce Competition Trail report by Jake Miller
Before the bocce competition hosted by SOBC – Trail in June, Jake Miller chatted with fellow local athlete and writer Paula Prough about the importance of competing.
SOBC Super Summer Series Bocce Competition Revelstoke snapshot by Roy Stephens
Host SOBC – Revelstoke welcomed teams from Kelowna and Salmon Arm to show their skills in the Super Summer Series bocce competition on July 2. Athlete Reporter Roy Stephens of SOBC – Kelowna sent the below shot of himself with his teammates and coaches to showcase some of the smiling faces on display in SOBC – Revelstoke’s first tournament!
Huge thanks to the determined athletes and dedicated coaches, volunteers, and supporters involved in the SOBC Super Summer Series!
Special Olympics Canada will announce the Special Olympics Team Canada 2023 Training Squad athletes in fall 2022. Please click here to meet the team's volunteer coaches and mission staff!
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