As part of the Special Olympics Games cycle, Special Olympics BC Regions around the province host Regional Qualifiers where athletes compete for the chance to advance to the next Provincial Games. In 2022, winter-sport Regional Qualifiers will be hosted around the province, for athletes trying to qualify for the 2023 Special Olympics BC Winter Games!
The SOBC 5-Pin Bowling Regional Qualifier for Region 2 is being hosted by SOBC β Kamloops on April 3!
Registration Deadline March 17th
Any spectators who would like to attend Regional Qualifiers are asked to check with their local coaches before coming to an event. Competition organizers will keep coaches up to date on whether there will be any capacity restrictions, and will share information on safety requirements at the facility.
Learn more about 2022 Regional Qualifiers
Find SOBC Return to Sport safety protocols
Competition organizer:
Michael Maveety, SOBC β Kamloops