Graphic: Athlete training tips

It is very helpful to maintain and develop a routine for ourselves. In the morning, when you first wake up, try writing down all the thing you would like to do during that day. Include all of your necessary tasks like your workout for the day, the meals you are going to eat, cleaning up your room, phoning a friend, and most importantly the smaller things like hygiene (brushing teeth, etc.).  

Maintaining your personal hygiene is another important part of a healthy lifestyle, and especially right now when our routines look and feel a little different.  

Get routine ready with Special Olympics BC – Campbell River athlete and Health Messenger Matthew Basso

Try adding these seven tips to your morning list! This will help you create a routine and help you feel your best.

Start off by writing down everything you would like to do that day. Once you finish your tasks cross them off, you’ll feel very accomplished! 

  1. Brush, floss, rinse, and repeat: Make sure you understand that skimping on oral care can cause gingivitis, cavities, and bad breath. Brush correctly, and follow up with floss and mouthwash — both morning and night.    
  2. Take a shower every day: Remember to start each day with clean skin. Use soap and focus on your armpits and feet. Showering is also a must after any sweaty activity.      
  3. Be active. Make sure you are doing one thing every day to keep your body moving. The Active-April calendar is a great place to start.      
  4. Stop the sweat: After you work out make sure you are getting out of your sweaty clothes. Changing clothes, underwear, bras, and socks daily is essential.   
  5. Make healthy meals. Eating all the colours of the rainbow, from all the food groups keeps our bodies happy and healthy. Preparing healthy meals will make you feel energized, and ready to perform. Maybe even try a new recipe! 6.    
  6. Phone a friend. Try calling a teammate, friend, or family member, and see how their day is going. Staying connected and socializing are very important too!  
  7. Clean Up! It is so important to tidy up the space we will be spending the day in. Having a clean space helps to make you feel relaxed and organized. Bonus – stand up and mop, sweep, or vacuum as a part of cleaning, this will keep you active!