Special Olympics PEI is excited to officially launch our Draft an Athlete fundraising campaign ahead of the 2020 Special Olympics Canada Winter Games! Islanders are invited to join Team PEI 2020 by Drafting a Team PEI Athlete!
The Team PEI Draft an Athlete program allows supporters of the Special Olympics movement to fund a Team PEI 2020 athlete’s journey to National Games. Sponsorship through the Draft an Athlete program showcases your support for Special Olympics PEI athletes from your community, and will help offset the cost of these Games. Businesses and employees may pledge to Draft a Team PEI athlete by holding their own internal fundraiser or by making a corporate donation.
To support Team PEI 2020 Draft an Athlete program please call our office (902-368-8919) or email sarah@sopei.com. To learn more please visit our Draft an Athlete page.