Jeremy Cheverie, Charlottetown, has been a Special Olympics athletes since he was 14 years old. Jeremy first got involved with Special Olympics PEI through a teacher at his school. Over the past 26 years, 10 of which were spent in British Columbia, Jeremy has participated in a number of sports, including Floor Hockey and Soccer. Currently, Jeremy is training to compete with Team PEI Soccer at the 2018 National Summer Games.
This summer's National Games will be Jeremy's forth time competing on a National level. Further to this, Jeremy also represented Canada on the world stage, competing on the Team Canada Soccer team at the 2015 World Games in LA. Jeremy's favourite Special Olympics memories come from World Games. The whole experience was memorable, both on and off the field of play. Jeremy recalls a tour of Hollywood as a highlight.
Jeremy spent 10 years living in British Columbus, during which time he participated in Special Olympics BC programs. While in BC, Jeremy had the opportunity to reconnect with some of his PEI friends during National Games, both at the 2014 National Summer Games, which were held in Vancouver, and the 2008 National Winter Games, in Quebec City.