Special Olympics BC – Terrace coach Alex Walker

An enthusiastic and dedicated coach, Special Olympics BC – Terrace’s Alex Walker works hard to provide SOBC athletes with opportunities to succeed through sport. 

Walker is SOBC – Terrace’s Head Coach for athletics, Head Facilitator for Club Fit, and Assistant Coach for curling and soccer. He says his favourite thing about being involved with Special Olympics is spending time with the hardworking athletes and helping them reach their potential.

Outside of coaching, Walker also supports his Local as Volunteer Coordinator. He loves talking to people in his community about Special Olympics, and enjoys recruiting volunteers and athletes. Walker also served as a mission staff member for the Region 7 team at the 2019 Special Olympics BC Winter Games. He says this was an incredible experience, and it was amazing to see SOBC – Terrace athletes show their skills at the provincial level.  

Walker says there is an amazing group of athletes and volunteers in his Local, and they are always looking for new members. He is also grateful to SOBC – Terrace’s sponsors, as they play a critical role in supporting the Local’s empowering programs.

When did you start with Special Olympics, and how did you get involved?

I got involved with Special Olympics as soon as I finished my degree and moved back home. It was in Smithers that I volunteered for the first year before moving to Terrace for work, where I immediately joined the Local Committee and filled coaching positions that were open.  

What has been your most memorable Special Olympics experience?

One of my most memorable experiences not just in Special Olympics, but probably in my life in general, was watching athletes I coach receive their gold medals at the 2019 SOBC Winter Games in Greater Vernon a couple months ago. I have never seen such looks of pure happiness on anyone’s face before, and knowing that I did my little part to help these athletes get to where they are right now was a life-changing experience. 

What is your favourite thing about being involved with SOBC?

My favourite thing about being involved with SOBC is seeing the athletes every week and working with them and inspiring them to be the best that they can be. Week in and week out, these athletes show up, and with a little bit of a push in the right direction, they are willing to work hard and have so much fun while doing it. I also really enjoy being able to tell the community about Special Olympics and recruiting new athletes and volunteers. It doesn’t take new volunteers long to see why those of us that volunteer in Terrace do what we do. 

What would you like others to know about SOBC – Terrace?

We are run by a core group of volunteers, and are always looking for new people to join us in this adventure. The athletes are all amazing and are willing to embrace new people, and we have some amazing sponsors in the community that make this whole program possible. 
