In National Volunteer Week (April 19 to 25) and all year round, we celebrate and thank the more than 4,300 Special Olympics BC volunteers who give their time to create life-changing opportunities in our province. SOBC volunteers coach, plan programs, organize events, encourage athletes, inspire others, raise funds, and raise spirits at every turn.
Their unwavering support not only provides opportunities to more than 5,200 SOBC athletes, but their efforts contribute to a global movement where old stereotypes are shattered and replaced by a new world of respect and inclusion.
Thanks to them, we see the abilities, accomplishments, and admirable spirit of individuals with intellectual disabilities participating and thriving in year-round Special Olympics sport programs. The athletes are admired and their communities become more inclusive as they open their hearts and minds.
“I think this is something every Special Olympics volunteer can relate to: We all donate our time and expertise for this organization, but we gain SO MUCH MORE than we give – through the opportunity to play a role in and witness our amazing athletes reaching their full potential. I am inspired every day by our athletes,” says Andrea Boyes, SOBC – Victoria Public Relations Coordinator.
We value Special Olympics BC volunteers tremendously, and SOBC athletes echo that sentiment constantly. Whether they are providing guidance, motivation, or simply a smile, SOBC volunteers know how to bring out the best in those around them.
“Thank you so much coaches and volunteers because without you we couldn't do what we do and we are all so thankful to have such wonderful coaches and volunteers so let’s all put are hands together and say a huge thank you!” says Kerri Lipsack, SOBC – Oceanside athlete.
Through programming in sports, health, education, and community building, Special Olympics BC volunteers rally to tackle the inactivity, stigma, isolation, and injustice that people with intellectual disabilities face. Thanks to all SOBC volunteers for making a difference every single day.
Check out our social media this week for more volunteer stories and celebrations
Visit Special Olympics Canada’s #NVW2020 website and share your “why!”