SOBC's Communicable Disease Prevention Plan principles

Now that the provincial government has updated mask requirements, and we have received feedback from community members, Special Olympics BC no longer requires participants to wear masks in most non-sport settings.

  • Participants ages 5 and up must still wear masks during group transportation to SOBC programs and events (e.g. rented buses). 
  • While not required, it is still recommended for all participants ages 5 and up to wear masks at SOBC events and programs when they aren’t playing their sports.
  • If a facility requires mask wearing while off the field of play, that rule must be followed.

We ask all members to please continue being respectful of others and their choices. Please continue your commitment to having a safe and welcoming environment in all SOBC programs and events.

Full SOBC Communicable Disease Prevention Plan and resources

Participants must remember:

  • If you are sick, do not attend your SOBC program/event.
  • Wash or sanitize hands when entering and exiting the venue, and often during the program/event.
  • Cover coughs and sneezes with your sleeve. Avoid touching your face with your hands.
  • Bring your own filled water bottles whenever possible.
  • Continue practicing physical distancing when it’s helpful to you.

All other safety protocols in the SOBC Communicable Disease Prevention Plan remain in place. We must continue offering a safe environment for all participants, by following the strong protocols in the plan. As we all know, communicable diseases including COVID-19 and beyond will always be with us. Also, some members of our community are more at risk than others, and have relied on a safe environment at SOBC programs and events in order to return to the sports they love. 

We're grateful to all members for your ongoing commitment to everyone's safety!

Regarding the COVID-19 vaccination requirements: We are seeking and analyzing the feedback of Special Olympics community members and additional sport, health, and legal experts. We will share any updates as soon as possible. 

Full SOBC Communicable Disease Prevention Plan and resources