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Special Olympics BC – Terrace Local Coordinator Jo Buck is a hardworking volunteer who has been making a difference for local athletes and programs for almost 25 years. 

A highly valued member of her Local, Buck plays an important role with SOBC – Terrace. This includes running an effective Executive Committee, helping get athletes to competitions, supporting fundraising efforts, and coordinating athlete registration. She has a friendly, professional demeanor and treats everyone she meets with respect. 

Buck would like to recognize the hardworking volunteers at SOBC – Terrace. She says regardless of the circumstances, volunteers in her Local always do their best to support SOBC – Terrace athletes. 

When did you start with Special Olympics, and how did you get involved?

In 1990, I was hired by Terrace and District Community Services Society as the secretary for the Choices Program for adults with developmental disabilities. Some of the staff were involved with Special Olympics athletes and asked me to help them with raffles, taking fees, etc., which I gladly did to help out as a volunteer.

Also in 1990, a Christmas gathering was going to be held and they needed a Santa – fortunately, my husband fit the role and he did so until 2009. The gathering in 1990 was held in a volunteer’s living room! Currently, we hold socials in a school gym – how we have grown! 

A few years after that, Executive Committee positions needed to be filled and I served as Program Coordinator for quite a few years until I was the only one left to be Local Coordinator. I have helped in other areas such as fundraising, looking for volunteers, and I assisted with coaching in my younger years. 

What has been your most memorable Special Olympics experience? 

My most memorable experiences are when I was with athletes at provincial, regional, and local competitions – we always had such great times win or lose. 

What is your favourite thing about being involved with SOBC? 

My favourite thing is seeing our athletes have a great time at our Christmas and season-end socials when they receive their gifts/trophies. Because I have worked for many years with Terrace and District Community Services Society, I see our athletes on a regular basis. The athletes love to share their experiences with me, which gives me their perspective on what’s happening at the sports facilities. 

What would you like others to know about SOBC – Terrace? 

What I would like others to know about SOBC – Terrace is that through some very rough times (financial and lack of volunteers) we have managed to do the very best we can for our athletes and our Local. Athletes have always been our source of inspiration to not give up because time and time again, we see the spirit of love of sport from our athletes and we keep going for them. 

We have some very dedicated Executive Committee members and coaches who have put in hundreds of hours for our Local over many years.