Special Olympics BC Athlete Leadership programs help athletes build skills and confidence to become leaders, mentors, and advocates in their communities and throughout our movement. They take on a range of leadership roles including public speaking, participating on Local Committees and Athlete Input Councils, and assisting as fundraising and program volunteers.
There are lots of exciting things happening with SOBC Athlete Leadership!
Join the SOBC Athlete Leadership Academy
In order to help athletes get the most out of their courses, and to inspire and recognize ongoing commitment and achievements, Special Olympics BC has launched an Athlete Leadership Academy! The SOBC Athlete Leadership Academy includes and links all of the courses that SOBC has traditionally offered, and will add new opportunities as determined by athlete interest.
In the Athlete Leadership Academy, athletes are invited to register for a specific stream that matches their interests. After completing the required number of courses in their stream, athletes will be recognized as program graduates and will receive an Academy diploma and swag!
Read all about it and complete the membership commitment form
Congrats to recent course graduates!
In December, dedicated athlete leaders and volunteers completed Athlete Speakers Bureau 1 and 2 courses, and Athlete Input Council training, all in the virtual format! We sincerely congratulate these athlete leaders on their accomplishments, and thank all the volunteer facilitators and peer mentors for making these opportunities possible!
Athlete Speakers Bureau 1 – December 2021
Athlete |
Mentor |
Local |
Matthew Basso |
Cheryl Clay |
Campbell River |
Trinity Geisler |
Carol Geisler |
Victoria |
Sky Hendsbee |
Sherri Birkett |
Surrey |
Lee Kissinger |
Bev Kissinger |
Victoria |
Nicholas Longshore |
Scott Longshore |
Chilliwack |
Lauren Philley |
Glen and Christine |
Comox Valley |
Kendall Salanski |
Tracy Salanski |
Kimberley/Cranbrook |
Victoria Trerice |
Cheryl Clay |
Campbell River |
Facilitators: Sarah Howe and Charlotte Taylor
Watch their inspiring speeches
-Trinity Geisler, SOBC – Victoria
Athlete Speakers Bureau 2 – December 2021
Athlete |
Mentor |
Local |
Sarah Brown |
Karen Zawortny |
Vancouver |
Claire Lemaire |
Corrine Lemaire |
Creston |
Kerri Lipsack |
Geoffrey Trimble |
Oceanside |
David Johnston |
Steve Oliver |
Dawson Creek |
Torben Schuffert |
Sandra Schuffert |
Smithers |
Katherine St.Amand |
Susan St.Amand |
Ridge Meadows |
Facilitator: Andrea Boyes
Watch their inspiring speeches
-Katherine St.Amand, SOBC – Ridge Meadows
Athlete Input Council – December 2021
• Dan Catarig, SOBC – Mission
• Carmel Hashemi-Dahaj, SOBC – Surrey
• Sandra Malku, SOBC – Richmond
• Kayley Olund-Rak, SOBC – Surrey
• Mike Palitti, SOBC – Abbotsford
• Torben Schuffert, SOBC – Smithers, SOBC Region 7 Representative
• Ryan Stewart, SOBC – Richmond
Many thanks and congratulations also go out to all the participants in the in-person Athlete Leadership courses on February 26, 2022! Full coverage coming soon!
SOBC Athlete Input Council news
The Special Olympics BC Athlete Input Council members have been hard at work providing important feedback from around the province on key Special Olympics issues, and supporting initiatives that raise funds and awareness for Special Olympics.
The provincial Athlete Input Council has representatives from each Region around the province. They advise the SOBC Leadership Council and all of SOBC. They have created formal Terms of Reference for the Athlete Input Council, guiding how they work and how athletes can get involved. Read the Terms of Reference here
A big thank you goes out to SOBC Athlete Input Council members Susan Wang (Region 3) and Jake Hooper (Region 6) for their involvement in the Canadian Athlete Leadership Council! Hooper’s term on this national advisory group recently ended, and Wang has graciously stepped up to serve on this council and share B.C. athlete perspectives.
SOBC Athlete Reporter stories
Special Olympics BC Athlete Reporters continue to capture stories from all over the province! Athlete Reporters Miranda Orth from SOBC – Nanaimo, David Johnston from SOBC – Dawson Creek, and Jake Miller from SOBC – Trail recently covered the Return to Sport. Check out these stories and more!