Curling Coach Resources

SOBC curling

SOC Sport Rules

Please click hereĀ (updated March 2023)

SOBC exceptions to the SOC rules

Please note that these rule exceptions only apply to Local, Regional, and where noted, Provincial Games. Athletes and Coaches must be aware that all competitions outside of the above will be governed by SOC rules and the rules of that Sport's Governing Body.

  1. A regulation game shall consist of a maximum of six (6) ends. Game time will be two (2) hours in length with no new end to begin after two (2) hours.
  2. One (1) three (3) minute break will be given at the end of three (3) ends.
  3. Scorekeepers must have coaches sign score sheets at the end of each game in a tournament. The director of the tournament play will oversee all on-ice officials, timekeepers and scorekeepers at the competition. This will ensure that both teams agree upon score before the score is made final. Once the score sheet is signed a protest cannot proceed.

Basic Skills Acquisition

Please click here

Sport Skills Book

Please click here


Please click here to find curling bonspiels in the SOBC event calendar.

Event Planning Guide - Curling Supplement

Please click here forĀ the Curling Event Planning Supplement.

For the full SOBC Sport Event Planning Guide, please visit the Hosting a Competition page.

SOBC Competition Sanctioning - Curling Supplement

Please click here for the SOBC criteria for sanctioning curling competitions.Ā (updated Nov 2021)

For the full SOBC Sanctioning Document and appendices, please visitĀ theĀ Hosting a Competition page.


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