Special Olympics BC – Cowichan Valley coach Zach Ollett’s most memorable Special Olympics moment came when his Local’s floor hockey team finished in last place at a tournament. Rather than be discouraged, the athletes showed great sportsmanship and were happy to have had the opportunity to play.
Ollett fell in love with volunteering with Special Olympics after his wife and her family got him involved. He coaches Club Fit and floor hockey with SOBC – Cowichan Valley, and loves to see athletes develop their skills.
Ollett says SOBC athletes can do anything anyone else can do, they just need to find ways that work for them.
When did you start with Special Olympics, and how did you get involved?
I got involved because my wife and her family were doing it, so they invited me along and I fell in love with it.
What has been your most memorable Special Olympics experience?
My most memorable experience is when we went to a hockey tournament and we came in last place. When all of the athletes got their ribbons they were so happy. They did not care they came in last place, they were happy they had got to play.
What is your favourite thing about being involved with SOBC?
My favourite thing is watching the athletes improve. As an example, it is great to see the smile on an athlete’s face after doing 30 pushups, when a couple of months before they could only do one.
What would you like others to know about SOBC – Cowichan Valley?
I would like everyone to know that these athletes can do whatever we can, they just need to find ways that work for them.