Special Olympics BC – Golden swimmer Nicholas McClean says his greatest strengths as an athlete are he works hard and is persistent. McClean says even if he falls behind in a race, he always finishes up to the best of his ability.
“I enjoy learning and that helps me become a better athlete,” he says. “I have quite a bit of determination.”
McClean has been with SOBC for more than three years, and he originally signed up for swimming because his two sisters are active in the sport. He says he likes swimming because it is challenging and good exercise.
McClean is set to compete in July’s 2017 SOBC Summer Games in Kamloops. He says he was shocked when he learned he had qualified for Provincial Games through his performance at last year’s Swimming Regional Qualifier for Region 1 hosted by SOBC – Kimberley/Cranbrook.
“I was happy and pleased!” McClean said. “I wasn’t expecting it, so it was a surprise.”
While he is looking forward to Provincial Games, McClean says the main reason he trains is to improve his skills, and preparing for competitions is secondary to him.
McClean says he has learned a lot from SOBC – Golden Local Coordinator and swimming coach Marie-Helene Labonte. He says at practices she focuses on drills that improve his technique and endurance, and through her encouragement, he has become a better swimmer.
“She has helped me improve quite a bit and I am grateful,” McClean says.
McClean works at a campground where he does yard work, painting, and other tasks. He says being involved with Special Olympics helps him stay fit and that helps him with his job.
Outside of SOBC, McClean makes an effort to eat healthily and he likes to live an active lifestyle. He enjoys drawing, reading, and playing sports. He especially likes to do archery, which he participates in through his high school.