DATE: Wednesday, June 22ⁿᵈ, 2022
TO: All Community Clubs in Newfoundland and Labrador FROM: Program Director, Kim McDonald-Wilkes
SUBJECT: Return to Program & Competition Plan – Summer Sport Season Update
As several clubs are back to in-person programming and preparing for the upcoming 2022 SONL Summer Series competitions we want to provide everyone with an update regarding our Return to Program & Competition Plan. Please communicate this update to all program/event participants as needed.
As we are holding our first in-person competitions since the beginning of the Pandemic this summer, as a Chapter we have decided to continue to follow all our current guidelines allowing for a safe and supportive sport and competition environment for all our stakeholders. Our current guidelines
include, but are not limited to the following:
• Proof of Vaccination Policy.
• Mandatory masks during all indoor settings.
• Encouraged to wear masks outside when physically distancing may not be possible.
• Covid-19 Screening and Attendance Protocol.
Our staff will continue to monitor and update our Return to Program & Competition Plan as needed and will be revisiting the plan in August after our summer sport season ends to discuss what guidelines if any will be in place for the fall/winter sport season. We will consult with our Regional Leadership Council, Public Health and Special Olympics Canada to ensure we are making an informed decision for the upcoming Special Olympics programming year 2022-2023.
Our SONL Return to Program & Competition Plan with supporting resources can be found here:
Thank you all for your patience and cooperation as we all work together to ensure a safe and supportive summer sport season for all. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Kim McDonald-Wilkes, she/her
Program Director
kimm@sonl.ca 709 293 1444
date: FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 2022
to: ALL community clubs in Newfoundland and labrador
from: Kim McDonald-Wilkes, program director
In response to Health and Community Services Public Advisory on Wednesday, March 9, 2022, provided epidemiology remains favourable, all restrictions will be lifted as planned on March 14, 2022. Special Olympics NL would like to remind everyone of the announcement made on February 28, 2022, below outlining our continuation of Proof of Vaccination and mandatory use of masks by all participants who attend programs and competitions.
For information about what to expect outside of Special Olympics NL programs and competitions regarding ease of restrictions by public health please visit https://www.gov.nl.ca/covid-19/restrictions/planned-restrictions/
If you have any questions, please reach out.
Kim McDonald-Wilkes, she/her
Program Director
kimm@sonl.ca 709 293 1444
date: Monday, February 28, 2022
to: ALL community clubs in Newfoundland and labrador
from: Kim McDonald-Wilkes, program director
In response to Health and Community Services Public Advisory on February 23, 2022, should all restrictions be lifted as planned on March 14, 2022, Special Olympics NL would like to make the following announcement:
Special Olympics NL will continue beyond March 14, 2022, to require Proof of Vaccination and mandatory use of masks by all participants who attend programs and competitions. That means, all participants (athletes, volunteers, 1 on 1 support, parent/caregivers, and staff) who attend a program or competition after March 14, 2022, will still be required to show Proof of Vaccination as per our provincial policy and use of mandatory masks will remain for all indoor settings and highly recommended for outdoor settings.
Special Olympics NL will continue to monitor and update our Return to Program and Competition Plan through guidance from Public Health, Sport NL and Special Olympics Canada.
Please continue to follow all Public Health guidance: https://www.gov.nl.ca/covid-19/
COVID-19 Vaccine information and how to book https://www.gov.nl.ca/covid-19/vaccine/
As always, we thank you for your patience and cooperation as we support our athletes, volunteers and all stakeholders through the next phase. We appreciate there are many perspectives on public health restrictions, our goal is to support everyone through a safe and gradual return to in-person programs and competitions while maintaining a high level of health and safety for all who attend our programs. Let’s all work together and do our part to make 2022 a great year! Stay safe and remember to wear your mask, sanitize and keep physically distant when you go out, and stay home if you are not feeling well.
If you have any questions, please reach out.
Kim McDonald-Wilkes, she/her
Program Director
kimm@sonl.ca 709 293 1444