Board of Directors

Special Olympics Newfoundland & Labrador is fortunate to have an active board that strives to educate people about Special Olympics NL's programs.

Our Board of Directors has varied backgrounds and skillsets valuable to our organization, such as business leaders, lawyers, accountants and human resource personnel. These individuals work together to ensure that Special Olympics NL is moving forward. Our Board of Directors also takes on the responsibility of our major fundraiser every year - the Special Olympics Festival.

Board of Directors 2023-2024
Juleah Lunden, Chair
Susan Collins, Past Chair
Bill Kelly, Vice-Chair
Kealey Martin, Treasurer

Shirley Miller, RLC Representative
Ray Walsh, Parent Representative
Mel Earle, LETR Representative
Floressa Harris, Athlete Representative
Kyle Mercer, Progress Club Representative
Laurie Furlong
Mark Dawe
Scott Andrews
Kate O'Neill
Ken Marshall

Regional Leadership Council (RLC)

Special Olympics NL's Regional Leadership Council provides vital guidance for our organization and movement, and SONL benefits significantly from the efforts of these valued volunteers.

Comprised of the Club Coordinator and Program Coordinator representing each of our community clubs, the council serves as the link between communities, the provincial office and SONL Board of Directors. This council plays an important role in the growth and development of our sports and programs, strategic planning, provincial policies, and volunteer resources.


Chair. Shirley Miller, CBS Brightstars

Vice-Chair, Marg Byrd, Gander Wings

Secretary, Christina Kendall, Bay St. George Bravehearts


Provincial Office 

40 Aberdeen Ave Suite 005

St. John's, NL, Canada

A1A 5T3

Office 709 738 1923

Fax 709 738 0119

Toll-free 1 877 738 1913


Trish Williams

Trish Williams, Executive Director


Office 709 738 1923 





Jennifer Mccann, Program Director


Office 709 738 1923 

Bobby Gamba





bobby gamba, Sport Coordinator


office 709 738 1923 





Brent Foote, Youth & School Program developer


office 709 738 1923 





Phil rendell, Public Image & Events coordinator


office 709 738 1923 


Placeholder Image





Sarah Candow, summer program Coordinator

metro area



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