Nerissa Pooran


"My life changed from Special Olympics because my confidence improved, and I will continue to enjoy everything."




A generous donor has committed up to $60,000 in matching funds for Draft an Athlete.


My sport:

Swimming and Track and Field


My favourite thing about Special Olympics:

Participating and training to be the best that I can be, through sport and competition; being with other athletes; making life-long friendships; representing Special Olympics and meeting many people.


My greatest accomplishment:

I have enjoyed many accomplishments including competing at my first Provincials and competing at Nationals in track and field and swimming.


How Special Olympics changed my life:

Special Olympics is a very important part of my life.  I try my best to be healthy, train and work-out daily to continue to improve and achieve to the best of my ability.  Through Special Olympics, I have met my closest friends and really enjoy all of the opportunities to compete everywhere and to meet so many interesting people. My confidence has improved and I will continue to enjoy everything.


How I've been staying healthy and active at home:

Many times, I have learned about different ways to be healthy and stay healthy. These were very helpful. I train online four days of the week and have participated in nutrition activities, such as the Sobey’s virtual recipe making on Wellness Wednesdays. I also go for walks and runs outdoors, whenever possible.


My favourite memory:

Being able to participate and enjoy many Special Olympics programs with my sister for many years.


Why you should Draft an Athlete to help us get back to the playing field:  

This helps to continue the programs that Special Olympics offer to myself and many other athletes so that we have the opportunities to stay healthy, enjoy our favourite sports and make many friends.


What I'm looking forward to most when returning to our regular Special Olympics programming:

To be with all of my friends, teammates and coaches again and to continue to train and participate in all of Special Olympics events.


Make a donation to support Nerissa and her fellow athletes across Canada:




A generous donor has committed up to $60,000 in matching funds for Draft an Athlete.