For decades, Special Olympics Canada has optimized the benefits of a healthy and active lifestyle through sport to improve the well-being of individuals with an intellectual disability.
We continue to improve and expand the quality, opportunity and accessibility of sport to individuals with an intellectual disability. Along with this, we strive to improve upon both the awareness and support of the community in regards to Special Olympics Canada and those involved with us. As an organization, we work to ensure our volunteers are strongly committed to acting locally while thinking globally. Through these steps, we hope to continue to build upon the past success of the organization.
Our Mission
Special Olympics Canada is dedicated to enriching the lives of Canadians with an intellectual disability through sport.
Our Vision
Our vision is that sport will open hearts and minds towards people with intellectual disabilities and create inclusive communities all across Canada.
We will:
- Provide quality programs and services for our members and supporters;
- Provide quality training for athletes and coaches;
- Provide a high level of support for athletes in training and competition including a focus on their personal health, well-being and safety.
Community Awareness & Support
We will:
- Have a very high level of community awareness so that people know who we are, what we provide and how to access opportunities;
- Be in every community that wishes to join the Special Olympics movement;
- Be an integral and valued part of communities, such that if we failed to exist there would be an outcry in the community.
We will:
- Be an integrated cohesive organization. Thinking globally, acting locally;
- Have a strong committed group of volunteers;
- Provide opportunities for all athletes in the movement to have input into and access decision-making processes;
- Ensure that people know where to voice their concerns and that they have an opportunity to be heard;
- Be officially bilingual and respect the diverse cultures in Canada;
- Be accountable to our members and partners, and decision-making processes will be transparent, clear, fair and understood;
- Support research and development on issues affecting people with an intellectual disability;
- Play a leadership role in the community, provincial/territorial, national and world stages in advancing Special Olympics;
- Constantly challenge ourselves to enrich the lives of Canadians with an intellectual disability through sport.
Our Strategic Plan
Our 2017-2020 Strategic Plan represents the interests and commitment of national and Chapter leaders to work together to drive prioritized initiatives. Our aspiration is to grow significantly, so that we can deliver our programs to even more Canadians with an intellectual disability. We’ve set athlete, volunteer and revenue growth targets over the next 3 years, recognizing the need to continually enhance program quality. Our framework and approach are derived from, and consistent with, the Special Olympics Global Strategic Plan. Visit our Policies and publications page to learn more about SOC’s five-year plans and goals.