How long have you been involved with Special Olympics?
33 years
How is your life different since joining Special Olympics?
Being a part of Special Olympics has opened my eyes to possibilities! When we see what the athletes overcome to achieve their goals it is inspiring to do the same. I started as a volunteer figure skating coach and I've grown with the organization.
What do you like most about the sport you will be competing in at Special Olympics World Summer Games Berlin 2023?
I like being in a leadership team and facilitating opportunities for athletes' success. I think it's important to lead the team in a way that allows the athletes to focus on their performance and development and the coaches to focus on getting the athletes to reach their potential with as few boundaries as possible.
What is your proudest moment with Special Olympics?
Team Alberta 2020 'Wolf Pack’. I was Chef of Team AB for the Special Olympics Canada Winter Games and we had created a very clear team identity of the Wolf Pack. Every time I'd see an athlete cross a finish line, finish a program or score a goal and use our Wolf Pack hand signal I knew we had transcended the individual experience!!
What does Special Olympics and attending World Games mean to you?
It means... personal growth and achievement. It means recognition for dedication and commitment. And it means representing Canada on a world stage and having the opportunity to watch great things happen!
What is your goal for Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023?
My goal is to help athletes, coaches and mission staff have the best experience possible while on Special Olympics Team Canada. My goal is achieved when the team is able to do their individual tasks stress free because we, the leadership team has their backs!