Sharon Bollenbach with Special Olympics Team Canada.
Sharon Bollenbach (centre) with Special Olympics Team Canada 2015 before the World Games in Los Angeles.

Special Olympics Canada is pleased to announce its CEO Sharon Bollenbach will be representing North America on the global organization’s International Advisory Committee (IAC). 
The IAC – made up of representatives from all seven Special Olympics regions around the globe – reports to Special Olympics International’s Board of Directors on matters related to the Movement and relevant to all Special Olympics Accredited Programs. Bollenbach, who has been serving as the Chair of the Special Olympics North American Leadership Council since 2015, was recently elected to the committee. Members of the IAC serve a three-year term, renewable once. 
In this new role, she will represent Canada, the United States and the Caribbean.

“I am honoured to be representing North America on the IAC,” Bollenbach said. “I will look to my colleagues from across the Caribbean, the U.S. and Canada to bring forward key topics that really matter to our Region and require consideration at a broader, global level.”  
“I’m excited to learn, to work with representatives from the other Regions and members of the SOI Board, and to continue contributing to Special Olympics in this new role.”   
Bollenbach joined Special Olympics Canada as Senior Vice President, Sport and Strategic Initiatives in 2007 and has served as CEO since December 2013.