Let the Games BEGIN!

Opening Ceremony

WHAT A NIGHT! The 2017 Special Olympics World Winter Games have officially kicked off! #SOTeamCanada17 athletes had an absolutely incredible time celebrating the start of Games and what will be an incredible week of fierce competition and incredible displays of sportsmanship and comradery. With performances from Jason Mraz, Grace Vaderwaal and Helen Fischer along with an impassioned speech from Special Olympics Chairman Tim Shriver, the night was one we will never forget. Team Canada looked incredible walking in the parade of athletes, cheering wildly and showing the world our spirit! With the Games officially kicked off, it’s time to get some sleep and great ready for what we all came here to do, COMPETE! Make sure to keep up to date with all the #SOTeamCanada17 action through our facebook page, twitter stream (both @SpecialOCanada) and our websites! (specialolympics.ca and teamcanada.specialolympics.ca).


For all the photos from the Opening Ceremony, visit our Flickr account!