We Need Your Monthly Support
Becoming a Monthly Supporter today helps athletes with intellectual and developmental disabilities experience the power and joy of sport
Your monthly support helps Special Olympics Canada create inclusive opportunities for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities through sport and health initiatives. By funding specialized programs, training, and resources, we empower athletes to lead healthier, more active lives while fostering social inclusion. Today, and for generations to come, you are making a significant impact on athletes, their families, and communities, creating a more inclusive and supportive world for everyone.
Face-to-Face Campaigns
Special Olympics Canada will be conducting our face-to-face fundraising program in participating venues in Ontario throughout January, February and March. These venues consist of community centres, shopping centres, and gymnasiums.
Active Face-to-Face Canvassing Program Locations
No active door-to-door canvassing.
For any questions regarding your donation or canvassers, please contact our donor relations team: donations@specialolympics.ca