National Volunteer Week

We love SOBC volunteers!
Celebrating SOBC's life-changing volunteers who make every moment matter and create inclusive communities!

Celebrating SOBC’s life-changing volunteers who make every moment matter!

The theme for National Volunteer Week 2024 is Every Moment Matters. It highlights the importance of every volunteer and each contribution they make – at a moment when we need support more than ever.

Special Olympics BC’s dedicated volunteers pour their hearts into everything they do. From organizing year-round programs and events to coaching athletes on the playing fields, SOBC volunteers are vital to the inclusivity, strength, and togetherness of our movement. They create much-needed spaces and opportunities for athletes with intellectual disabilities to find friendship, purpose, and community.

We are eternally grateful to all the volunteers who devote their time and energy to Special Olympics BC and make every moment matter!

During National Volunteer Week 2024 from April 14 to 20, we come together to recognize and celebrate the importance of each and every volunteer’s impact from coast to coast. Now more than ever, Every Moment Matters!

#NVW2024 #EveryMomentMatters




From SOBC Athlete Reporters

Read and watch their 2023 messages

find past tributes


From Kerri Lipsack, SOBC – Oceanside athlete

From Torben Schuffert, SOBC Athlete Input Council Region 7 Rep


From Susan Wang, SOBC Athlete Input Council Region 3 Rep


Meet SOBC Volunteers

Meet more dedicated SOBC Volunteers


Hall of Fame volunteers

Meet Local Builders

Meet Provincial Builders

Meet the 2022 SOBC Hall of Fame inductees


Award-winning coaches and volunteers

Meet them here


Stay tuned to SOBC's social media channels through National Volunteer Week to meet a few more of our inspiring volunteers!




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