

The Sobeys/Safeway/IGA campaign is less than a week away! 

Sobeys wants to raise $1 million for Special Olympics athletes. When you donate in-store from June 1-8, your donation will be matched up to $500,000! Are you up for the challenge?


Sobeys banner stores from coast-to-coast are holding an in-store fundraising campaign to support Special Olympics athletes across Canada - all you have to do is add "support athletes with an intellectual disability" to your grocery list. To participate, say "YES" to donating $2 or rounding up your bill at checkout. Every $2 donated helps provide one day of funding for an athlete enrolled in a Special Olympics program.



Meet Bodi Kessel, this years campaign athlete ambassador!

Bodi is 5 years old from Regina, Saskatchewan and this is his first year with Special Olympics! Bodi loves anything that involves throwing balls, rolling down the triangle mat until he is too dizzy to stand, and basketball. Bodi is your typical high energy little boy. Having the Special Olympics Active Start program allows him to take part in all the activities he loves, all while making new friends. Simple things like knowing how to properly throw a ball does not always come easy to him, but having this program allows the coaches to work with Bodi and the other young children on the basics, all while learning and playing. Through Active Start, Bodi has found a program of his own where he can go and do all the activities himself - and that is huge for him. He absolutely loves it. Special Olympics also provides a great opportunity for all the parents to connect, ask questions and share information, and build a community of support.  

Our athletes challenge YOU! Donate in-store at Sobeys/Safeway/IGA across the province! Together, we can help support the health of individuals with an intellectual disability and create more inclusive communities across Canada. Thank you for your continued support of Special Olympics!