2024 Spirit of Sport Award Winner: Jake Hooper
Describing himself as a “friendly giant,” it’s no wonder Special Olympics BC – Comox Valley athlete Jake Hooper is the 2024 recipient of the Spirit of Sport Award. For 16 years, Hooper’s sportsmanship and caring attitude have served as inspiration to fellow athletes and coaches. His leadership abilities have translated into roles such as an athlete speaker, Health Messenger and athlete representative on the SOBC Athlete Input Council at Special Olympics BC.

Hooper is a multi-sport athlete, currently registered in floor hockey, swimming, athletics, golf and powerlifting. He has competed at the local and national level, most recently at the Special Olympics Canada Winter Games Calgary 2024. After SO Team BC’s overtime floor hockey loss at the bronze medal game, he checked in on every member of the understandingly heartbroken team, offering them hugs and reminders of the success they had getting to Nationals. Taking his thoughtfulness a step further, Hooper offered his congratulations to the opposing teams for their performances. His coaches note that he is often the first to compliment teammates and competitors on a job well done.
Hooper is very social, never missing a chance to engage with other athletes, volunteers and officials while at events and competitions. His politeness is well known amongst his team, and he will often bring his coach's attention to any concerns he has regarding the needs of others.
At a community level, Hooper represents his Local as an athlete speaker and has delivered speeches in front of local dignitaries, a local community foundation and other social awareness causes. His speaking skills were featured on a TSN segment when he interviewed at the Special Olympics Canada Summer Games Antigonish 2018.
Away from sport, Hooper is an exceptional employee at a local transition society thrift shop. He’s always eager to help at local Special Olympics fundraisers and other needs.
Special Olympics BC offers congratulations to Hooper and the 2024 award nominees!