Active Start is a 12-week family-centred activity program targeting children with intellectual disabilities between the ages of 2 and 6. Through the Active Start program, children learn basic motor skills such as walking, running, jumping and throwing in a fun and safe environment.

Children who get involved with Active Start can't stop smiling, and their parents and caregivers have a great time playing along and watching their kids blossom and develop essential skills.

"Special Olympics BC's Active Start program fills a void in our son's life. He loves playing with the equipment, and it is gratifying to see the confidence he is gaining both physically and mentally as he achieves goals and does things he couldn't do before. We look forward to sharing future accomplishments with Active Start." - James Sutherland, parent of former Active Start and current FUNdamentals participant Oliver

The Active Start and FUNdamentals programs are sport initiatives developed by Special Olympics BC to teach basic motor and sport skills through fun and positive movement experiences for children with intellectual disabilities. Find out more about FUNdamentals here.

Meet Active Start athlete Levi:















To find out more


Phone: 250-252-0515

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