
"I have learned so much because of my involvement. What really matters and what really keeps me motivated are the athletes and parents who can't imagine their lives without Special Olympics." –Maureen Hunter, SOBC – Campbell River Local Coordinator
Coach Darren and athlete Jeff smiling at the 2014 Special Olympics Canada Games

Special Olympics BC's empowering year-round programs and competitions would not exist today and could not have been created without the time, energy, commitment, and enthusiasm of people just like you, thousands of volunteers who choose to take a little time from busy schedules to make the world a better place. Thousands of Special Olympics BC volunteers and coaches across the province make our year-round programs possible and make a difference.

Please click here to explore volunteer opportunities 


Who can volunteer?

You don’t need a sport background to volunteer with SOBC. All you need is enthusiasm for helping empower people with intellectual disabilities through year-round sport, youth, and health programs and events.

Volunteer frequently asked questions


Why volunteer with Special Olympics BC?

There are many reasons to get involved, and many benefits, including:

  • Building friendships and networking connections
  • Developing new skills for personal and professional development
  • Gaining volunteer hours for school programs
  • Getting involved with your community
  • Sharing your love of sport
  • And, most of all, experiencing the joy of working with our athletes!


What volunteer opportunities are available?

Whether you can give a few hours at an event or want to get involved weekly in our year-round programs, we have a position for you. You can become a coach, assistant coach, or program volunteer, join a Local Committee, and/or volunteer at an event. 

You can make a difference with your time and talents in a wide range of roles, including:

Please click here for detailed SOBC coach and volunteer role descriptions


How do I get involved?

Find your local program's details and contact info on our Communities pages, or click the form below to express your interest!

Please click here to explore volunteer opportunities


Check out our profiles to find out why coaches and volunteers love being part of Special Olympics BC!


Are you a new volunteer who has already registered with your local program?

Please click here for onboarding resources!