About the 2020 Virtual Torch Run
During a typical year, law enforcement agencies across Saskatchewan host Torch Runs in their communities to raise funds and awareness for Special Olympics Saskatchewan athletes. This year, we are excited to introduce Saskatchewan's first ever virtual LETR Torch Run, with the challenge of reaching every Special Olympics community in Saskatchewan virtually! Our goal is to cover 2,400 kms together (the total distance of having a Torch Run go through each Special Olympics community). Participants log the kms they individually run, walk, bike, treadmill, elliptical or active that can be tracked and create an online fundraising page. Our athletes need support now more than ever. Show Special Olympics Saskatchewan athletes that we are all in this together and that we are there for them, take part in the Virtual LETR Torch Run!
How do I join the 2020 Virtual Torch Run?
Step 1: Register Online ($20 donation toward Special Olympics Saskatchewan).
Step 2: Have family, friends, coworkers donate to your online fundraising page.
Step 3: Track and submit your kilometers online (daily or weekly).
Step 4: Tag @saskletr and @specialosask on Facebook.
What activities can I submit kilometers for?
Activities can include but are not limited to: Running, walking, biking, treadmill, elliptical and any form of exercise that you can track.
*Make sure to follow all social distancing measures for any outdoor activities.