Partnership opportunities

Special Olympics Saskatchewan partners with organizations who share our values. We are a trusted organization with the ability to change lives, build networks, and create a lasting positive impact.

A partnership with Special Olympics Saskatchewan will strengthen your brand value, build consumer loyalty, and promote business objectives, while helping us to enrich the lives of individuals with an intellectual disability.

How you can support us

Special Olympics Saskatchewan realizes that one size does not fit all. We offer a variety of ways to partner with us to fit your company’s needs and help you meet your marketing and business objectives.

Partner opportunities include everything from traditional corporate partnerships to supporting specific athlete programs, sponsoring our annual fundraising events, supporting Provincial Games, or local fundraising events through our communities.

Partner benefits

Special Olympics provides a wide range of recognition options, tailored to the partnership level you select. Regardless of the package you choose and your reasons for getting involved, the benefits are substantial, ranging from increased public awareness, sales and customer loyalty to improved internal morale.

By partnering with us, your business can:

  • Increase your brand loyalty, brand recognition and enhance credibility in the community;
  • Strengthen your brand image in communities across Canada where you do business;
  • Build deeper community networks;
  • Motivate your employees; improve company morale, increase employee engagement;
  • Tap into our network of athletes, volunteers, coaches, supporters and key stakeholders that cross ethnic, educational, social and economic lines;
  • Participate in cross-promotional opportunities with our current roster of partners.

Get in touch with us

For more information on partnership opportunities, please contact Egi Ahmad, Director of Marketing and Development at 306-780-9247 (ext. 205) or