SPORT: Basketball
How long have you been involved with Special Olympics?
Eleven years.
How is your life different since joining Special Olympics?
Special Olympics has given me my entire social network. Prior to becoming an athlete, I didn’t have any friends from school to socialize with. I now have a core group of friends and larger group of friends that I have met through Special Olympics. I also participate in multiple sports at a level that is suitable to my playing abilities.
What do you like most about the sport you will be competing in at Special Olympics World Summer Games Berlin 2023?
I love playing basketball, being with my teammates, and meeting people on the other teams. I love the competition.
What is your proudest moment with Special Olympics?
Competing in Provincial Games in both basketball and softball.
What does Special Olympics and attending World Games mean to you?
This is my first time being part of the Special Olympics Team Canada Training Squad, so it is very exciting to be on the team. I am looking forward to representing Canada, travelling to a different country, meeting new people, and having new experiences.
What is your goal for Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023?
My goals are to play the best basketball that I am capable of playing, make new friends, and have fun.