SPORT: Alpine Skiing
PROVINCE: British Columbia
How long have you been involved with Special Olympics?
I have been involved for 10 years.
How is your life different since joining Special Olympics?
Special Olympics has introduced me to my passion for skiing and has given me the opportunity to meet new friends from all around the world.
How have you been preparing yourself for competition?
I will continue to train at least three times a week and go for gold!
What is the biggest challenge you've overcome in your life?
I continue to grow in overcoming the adversities and challenges that arise with my disability.
What accomplishment are you most proud of?
I am most proud of making it to the Special Olympics Team Canada 2022 Training Squad!
What does Special Olympics and attending World Games mean to you?
Being part of the team and being able to go and represent my country at the World Games is an opportunity of a lifetime!