
SPORT: Cross-Country Skiing

PROVINCE: Saskatchewan

HOMETOWN: Saskatoon

How long have you been involved with Special Olympics?

I have been involved with Special Olympics for around 7 years now.

How is your life different since joining Special Olympics?

I enjoy all sports with Special Olympics. I have learned many skills, beat some personal goals, and met lots of new people.

How have you been preparing yourself for competition?

I train 5 times a week. My goal is to eat healthier. I enjoy trying new exercise programs!

What is the biggest challenge you have overcome in your life?

My biggest challenge was taking the step to move into a group home away from my family.

What accomplishment are you most proud of?

I am most proud of being welcomed onto Special Olympics Team Canada 2022 Training Squad.

What does Special Olympics and attending World Games mean to you?

Attending World Games will be a great honour. Special Olympics is a great organization for inclusion.