On Thursday, June 1st, 2017, the Special Olympics Saskatchewan Unified Basketball Team, hailing from F.W. Johnson Collegiate, hosted a fundraiser to help their team get to Special Olympics Ontario's School Championships in Niagara Falls from June 12-14th.
Unified Basketball Provincial Champions took on the F.W. Johnson Staff Team, including a 3 point competition (featuring Mr. Gullacher) and Slam Dunk Competition (featuring De Shawn Lejour and Mr. Janssen)
The team charged a $5.00 entrance fee and there were raffle tickets for sale ($10 each) for a gift basket valued at over $200, donated by Wascana Flower Shop as well as Unified Merchandise for sale by donation. The team had a large number of students, staff, and family members attend their fundraiser and they have raised enough money to send an additional Coach and a Team Manager along to Niagara Falls.
The Johnson Collegiate Unified Basketball team recently won the Provincial Championships and were awarded this exciting opportunity, new to Special Olympics Saskatchewan. Unified Sport joins athletes with and without intellectual disabilities on the same team to train and compete. Special Olympics Saskatchewan has been working hard to establish Unified Sport in our province, focusing specifically on the basketball programs in high schools. There are so many benefits to these programs for students, teachers, schools, and the community.
For more information about the Unified Sport, or Special Olympics, you are invited to contact Amy Bosche at 306-780-9401 or abosche@specialolympics.sk.ca.