Special Olympics Global Week of Inclusion

Get involved today and make a difference!

From July 15 to 21, the 2024 Special Olympics Global Week of Inclusion will celebrate the difference we can make when we #ChooseToInclude. We invite everyone to join the joyful Special Olympics community - help us develop a more inclusive province!

Get involved today and make a difference!

Too many Special Olympics athletes are far too familiar with the pain of isolation and exclusion. Canadians with intellectual disabilities are still too often left out - on playgrounds, from the workforce, from conversations. Together, we have the power to change the future for all. 

Volunteer and Participate in Special Olympics Saskatchewan Year-Round

Donate and Empower athletes with Intellectual Disabilities


Be a Champion of Inclusion

In the Special Olympics Global Week of Inclusion, we celebrate Champions of Inclusion because together we can build a better and more inclusive world! 

Nominate a Champion today!



Champions of inclusion can show their support anytime! You can make your own “I #ChooseToInclude” sign – feel free to get creative! Or you can use one of ours:

Full-colour options!

Colour it yourself!