Prince Albert Really Freed their Finest!


The Prince Albert community really came through to support the second annual Free Our Finest fundraiser! 

On June 20th, 2024, the Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics (Prince Albert crew) teamed up with Special Olympics Saskatchewan to host their second annual Free Our Finest fundraiser. Throughout the community, officers joined forces with Special Olympics athletes to "arrest" and "detain" members of the PA community to help raise the much needed funds for Special Olympics athletes across the province. With a goal of 20,000 in mind, athletes and officers put in non-stop efforts to raise money. In total, they raised over 18,000 for Special Olympics Saskatchewan!

Throughout the course of a single day, the people of Prince Albert stepped up to the task of collecting donations to "bail" out the arrestee's. Officers and staff from Prince Albert Police Service, Saskatchewan Highway Patrol, Provincial Corrections, Federal Corrections, and Conservation officers were engaged in helping plan, organize, and run the event. 

During the entire day, everyone involved brought high energy, great spirit, and a passion for funds for their local athletes. When the officers and athletes weren't "arresting" individuals, they were selling LETR dogs and t-shirts, and raffle tickets. The Knights of Columbus turned up the heat with the BBQ, selling hotdogs, burgers, chips, and drinks. A HUGE thank you goes out to the individuals at Safeway in Prince Albert for their incredible generosity = they donated all of the food for the BBQ!

Another thank you goes out to all of the LETR members, SO volunteers and athletes who helped throughout the day. Thank you to all of the phenomenal sponsors, and to the Art Hauser Centre for allowing us to use their space for the day. Finally, thank you to everyone who participated! You helped us make this another successful event through your unwavering support. 

To see the full event through pictures, make sure to visit our Flickr Page!

See Photos here

If you are wanting to get involved in the Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics Saskatchewan, make sure to visit the following website:

Get Involved Here