We’re thrilled to share our Annual Report for 2022/2023, a year of reconnecting, reigniting, and re-establishing our movement. It is with immense pride and gratitude that we celebrate the successes we have achieved together.
A highlight of this year was the triumphant return of our Provincial Games in February, hosted in Strathcona County. On hiatus since 2019, we welcomed 782 athletes & coaches who competed passionately in 8 winter sports. The energy, enthusiasm, and sportsmanship displayed were nothing short of awe-inspiring. It was a celebration of inclusion, determination, and the unbreakable spirit of our Special Olympics community.
Our achievements continued with 10 athletes and 3 volunteers named to Team Canada. They attended the Special Olympics Summer World Games in Berlin. Their extraordinary performances brought home 5 gold, 6 silver, and 2 bronze medals, showcasing the immense talent our athletes on the global stage. These achievements inspire us all and remind us of the incredible potential that resides within each of us.
As we move forward, we are excited to launch our 2023-2026 strategic plan, setting our sights on even greater heights in the years ahead. This plan reflects our unwavering commitment to ensure all athletes with intellectual disabilities in Alberta have access to Special Olympics programming, inclusive of their location, background, and identity.
None of our achievements would be possible without the remarkable dedication of our volunteers. To those who coach, organize, fundraise, and enable our athletes to practice and compete in the sports they love, we extend our heartfelt gratitude. Your selflessness and commitment to our cause are the driving forces behind our success.
Read our 2023 Annual report here