Special Olympics Saskatchewan
Provincial Team 2020 Medical Liaison
Job Description

Title: Provincial Team Mission Medical Liaison
Overview:   The role of the Medical Liaison is to organize, prepare and provide medical consultation, services and support to the members of Team Saskatchewan leading up to and during the 2020 Special Olympics Canada Winter Games in Thunder Bay, Ontario (February 24 - 29, 2020). Team Sask will have 48 athletes and 20 coaches and mission staff attending the Games. There are 8 sports that will be at the games: 5 Pin Bowling, Alpine, Cross Country Skiing, Curling, Figure Skating, Floor Hockey, Snowshoeing and Speed Skating. The medical liaison will be on call 24 hours a day and have support from the Games Organizing Committee. 

Accountabilities:  The Medical Liaison is a volunteer position accountable primarily to the Chef de Mission and Team Manager. The Medical Liaison also works closely with Special Olympics Saskatchewan in the implementation of duties.



Pre Games:

  • I will be available to assist the Team Saskatchewan Chef and or Manager with any tasks assigned to me from the period starting June 15th, 2019 to March 1st, 2020.
  • Review and be familiar with the information on each team member’s (Athletes and Mission Staff) Medical Information Form. This includes reviewing all medications and contacting individuals/parents/guardians or personal physicians, as required, to clarify medical issues and dispensing requirements which may present challenges.
  • Create a summary, by sport, of critical health information from athlete medical Forms (medical guide) as a reference tool for coaches/Mission Staff team
  • Lead on decision-making as it pertains to medical concerns, problems, and/or issues with athletes and/or coaches during the pre-games training season.
  • I will maintain regular contact with the coaches of the athletes on the Provincial Team.
  • Act as a resource to athletes, coaches and mission staff on health matters and for injury prevention and rehabilitation.
  • Attend and participate in Provincial Team and/or sport specific training camps (September 27-29, 2019).
  • Actively participate in all scheduled conference calls as required.
  • Assist in preparing a kit of medical supplies to be used by the Team at Games.
  • Work within the lines of communication set by Management Team.
  • Review and familiarize with the Games Medical/Emergency response plans.
  • Be familiar with the Athlete Agreement and the roles and responsibilities of the Chef de Mission, Team Managers, Coaches and Mission Staff.
  • Act as a role model and conduct yourself within the Provincial Team Program Code of Conduct.
  • I will strive to meet all deadlines as set out by Special Olympics Saskatchewan with regard to paperwork.
  • I understand that if any problems with the above commitments should arise during this time, and these problems cannot be resolved, I will be released from the team.

During Games:

  • Oversee the evaluation and treatment of medical situations that arise during travel.
  • Be available to provide medical directives to Team Saskatchewan members with the understanding that hands on medical service will be provided by the Games Organizing Committee Medical Services Department.
  • Oversee medical treatment provided by the Games Organizing Committee and/or local community medical services.
  • Visit various sport venues and athlete villages to monitor health/medical matters, including appropriate resourcing of practitioners for situations that may arise as a result of competition.
  • Track and maintain detailed records of all medical issues and/or treatments experienced by Team Saskatchewan.
  • Work with Management Team to determine information flow to Head Coaches and Assistant Coaches as it pertains to medical matters.
  • Work with Management Team to develop emergency, safety and issues management plans for each sport venue and athlete village.
  • Establish the protocol and process for the administering of athlete medications by Coaches and/or Mission Staff.
  • Assist with ensuring the safety and security of Team Saskatchewan.
  • Maintain and distribute non-prescription medical supplies as required.
  • Assist with problem solving as it pertains to Athletes and Coaches.
  • Travel to and from the National Games as part of Team Saskatchewan.
  • House with the Team Saskatchewan delegation for the duration of the National Games.
  • Notify Chef de Mission and Team Manager of any athlete or coach accidents / incidents and provide complete documentation of those events.
  • Be on call 24 hours a day during games.
  • I will attend all activities relating to competition and non competitive aspect of the Games (social events, ceremonies, meals, etc).
  • I will keep in constant contact with the coaches and mission staff and I will report all problems/emergencies to the Team Manager or Chef de Mission after taking immediate emergency action.
  • I will attend all required meetings and communicate the information to the Chef de Mission & Team Manager.
  • I will make myself aware of and follow all Special Olympics Saskatchewan and Special Olympics Canada policies/Code of Conduct/house rules regarding  competition/games.
  • I will be responsible to the Chef de Mission and Team Manager of Team Saskatchewan.

Post Games:

  • Submit all medical incident reports and/or GOC medical reports to Special Olympics Saskatchewan.
  • Return all medical summary sheets and medical forms to Special Olympics Saskatchewan (Chef de Mission)
  • Participate in post-Games follow-up with Athletes, Training Coaches and Best Contacts if required
  • Participate in a post-Games evaluation process


  • Be a current and fully licensed Medical Doctor, Registered Nurse, Registered Psychiatric Nurse, Nurse Practitioner, Licensed Practical Nurse, Paramedic or a similar designation in Saskatchewan with appropriate insurance coverage
  • Excellent communication, organizational and administrative skills
  • Experience in crisis management
  • Strong interpersonal and problem solving skills
  • A general working knowledge of Special Olympics or intellectual disabilities 
  • Experience working in a multi-sport Games setting is an asset
  • Ability to work in a flexible, team environment


This is a volunteer position.  Associated costs such as mileage, travel, lodging and meals will be covered by Special Olympics Saskatchewan.


Please submit a resume and cover letter by June 3, 2019 to: 

Darlene MacQuarrie
Chef de Mission
Special Olympics Saskatchewan
Team Saskatchewan