Soccer Volunteers
Soccer Volunteers from Medicine Hat

The 2017 Special Olympics Alberta Summer Games in Medicine Hat are just around the corner and without the hard work of over 800 volunteers the event simply would not exist.

On June 22 the Games Organizing Committee (GOC) hosted the Games Volunteer Rally in the Cypress Centre Auditorium at the Medicine Hat Exhibition and Stampede.

The event featured a multitude of tables and volunteers were directed to a specific sport or venue to receive their position and learn about their responsibilities at Games.

Our wonderful volunteers were in high spirits as they chatted about their roles and excitement for the upcoming Games.

Trish Richard, is a new volunteer with Special Olympics and will act as the venue manager for swimming at the Family Leisure Center during Games.

As venue manager, Richard will make sure everything runs smoothly at the pool, but she hopes to step away to see some of the athletes compete



“I really love the tagline, Witness Pure Joy, I think that’s what this event is really all about” – Trish Richard
Trish Richard, venue manager for swimming at the 2017 Special Olympics Alberta Summer Games in Medicine Hat.
Trish Richard

Richard is excited about that event and believes that Medicine Hat is an ideal place for the Games stating, “We live in such an amazing city that they had to cap the number of volunteers. To be a part of something that amazing is pretty cool.”

Ken Sauer, Vice Chair and Director of Administration for the Games, echoed Richard’s sentiments advocating that the event is gaining momentum and that everyone he meets with in the city is upbeat about the upcoming Games.

“Really good, the organization has been good. It’s beautiful, you can’t miss where to go and there are people to help send you the right way. There has been a really great turnout.” – Ken Sauer on the Rally

Sauer is thrilled with the level of support that volunteers are providing, but insists he was not surprised stating “Medicine Hat is known to be the volunteer capital of the world.”

He describes the ideal volunteer is committed and readily available and believes “that’s what we have here [at the Volunteer Rally].”

With such a strong team of volunteers the 2017 Special Olympics Alberta Summer Games is slated to be a truly remarkable event.

The final countdown to Games is on and Special Olympics Alberta cannot express how grateful we are for all the support from our volunteers.

We cannot wait to express our gratitude and share stories at the Games Volunteer Appreciation Barbecue on July 9.

Ken Sauer
Vice Chair, Ken Sauer